Latest Trends in Digital Marketing

As we walk into the new era of marketing, technology continues to upgrade at a fast speed. In this blog, we are covering the latest trends in digital marketing. In case, time travel was possible, every marketer in the market would have been successfully promoting businesses. As we still believe in predictions, let us share a forecasted idea of what will be digital marketing trending in India in 2023.

7 Latest Trends in Digital Marketing You Must Know

Sit back tight, because our digital marketing experts are taking you on a ride to the future and finding out the best trends in 2023. 

1. Voice Search On A Raise

One of the most prominent features impacting the online marketing market is the great adoption of voice search features. Further, voice search is modifying the way online search marketing experts analyze websites to rank them for focus keywords and questions. 

In a study, it is said that 50% of total searches are in voice form. This further opens up gates for new marketing options for digital marketing experts. There exists a great list of options one can do to optimize the voice search. And the most important among them is to utilize long-tail key phrases such as “most liked love songs” in place of a small keyword like ‘liked songs.’’

2. Use Of Chatbots

Among other latest trends in digital marketing, chatbots for advertising are the main ones. Companies have been utilizing chatbots for some time now for queries, but their use for advertising has been seen as the future of digital marketing. 

  • Social Media Chatbots

Chatbots are one of the latest online marketing techniques in 2023. A great example is Uber. It allows you to book an Uber via Facebook messenger. Isn’t this amazing? Further, small businesses can benefit a lot from this technology and do wonders in internet marketing via chatbots. Via integration marketing platforms with a direct point of ‘buy now’ option, chatbots are making the client experience seamless by erasing the purchase cycle time. 

  • AI-Powered Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots are capable of providing a customized experience to customers. For example, many companies are using WhatsApp integration- the auto-generated texting feature to promote advertisements and sales. Indeed trends online 2023 are going to be a great hit! 

3. Augmented Reality Era

Another digital marketing trend online is Augmented Reality. It has been seen growing rapidly for the past two years and is said to take over VR. Moreover, Augmented reality has seen the hottest digital marketing trends in 2023. 

4. Shoppable Posts 

If you own an eCommerce business, providing a purchase link to your business in certain posts, stories, or in your bio can be a great option. Further, having a great audience (followers) is also the cherry on the cake. Nowadays, shoppers want to get away with as many steps as possible. So, to ease purchasing experience, you can do shoppable posts. Providing a purchase link to posts directly is another best form of online marketing. With Instagram shoppable posts, you can tag a product for customers to check out, get attracted to, and even buy without having to jump to other platforms from your post. 

Shoppable posts on Instagram are trending in India. These social media platforms let people shop easily. As well as they have made selling simpler for merchants via social media. Social media giants like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are now coming up with multiple e-commerce store options. Using a local integration, these platforms have made it simpler for sellers to tag users to buy via posts directly. For small retailers, it is the best way to get traffic to the product pages. Hence, Shoppable posts are indeed the future of digital marketing. 

What’s More?

You must have seen instagram posts where outfits are tagged with price and have a clickable link. On tapping the price, you will land on a screen with detailed information and the choice to view the product on their respective website. Moreover, from this screen, you can even explore more items. 

In addition to this Instagram digital advertising, that is on making your Insta profile shoppable will also let you do shoppable Facebook posts. To get Facebook shoppable posts, firstly you need to install a ‘Shop Tab’ on Facebook and then import your inventory via a Catalog Manager. Further, once Facebook approves your application, you can begin tagging items and make it simpler for social sale conversions. 

5. Social Media Stories

Social media stories are easy to view and an amazing way to showcase your products, services, upcoming events, and BTS (behind the scenes). On seeing almost half of your Instagram stories with the highest amount of taps and views from business. It’s really silly to ignore Insta stories ads in online marketing. 

It is the really exciting, viral nature of the story promotion option that makes it so strong. It’s a regular nature of a person to check all the stories popping up on top of their profiles daily. So, you being a business owner can benefit from it entirely. You can present discount offers on story ads to make maximum use of the feature. Have a look at a few ideas for adding value to your stories below: 

  • Look out for client content your products are tagged in and then repost them on your stories
  • Use polls, QnA, and quizzes to improve engagement
  • Make simple and short animations and videos of your items in action 
  • Upload live videos for users that couldn’t join live. 

6. Social Media Giveaways

Social media giveaways are one of the latest trends in digital marketing in 2023. You can only win as a business when you connect with the audience. Engagement on social media profiles are very important for any business. However, it is not a single-day thing. One needs to strategies and present content so that there exists a great engagement with users/followers. With this, social media giveaways have come up as the latest strategy trend of 2022 and 2023. 

  • If you are a service-based company: 

Since you have no physical product to give as presents in the giveaway, you can go with the cash giveaway option. Here, you can ask people to participate by making a maximum number of people follow and engage on your profile. Further, based on participants’ efforts, you can announce the winners and send cash amounts accordingly. 

  • If you are a product-based company: 

Physical gifts are loved by everyone. And being a product-based company, you can take advantage of product giveaways! Product-based giveaways are the same as cash giveaways. The only difference is you will send gifts in place of cash amounts to winners. 

 Note: product and service-based companies are free to run any of the among mentioned giveaway options. 

Now coming to the giveaway contest planning part: 

The main role is how to plan and run the social media contest. Be very sure to plan and strategies the complete process carefully. Below are some of the key points to consider while planning a social media giveaway post: 

  • Know your goal (can be raised in followers, click rate, engagement, purchase, etc)
  • Which platform to use for the contest?
  • Duration of the giveaway? 
  • Will you go with paid ads on this post or not? If yes, for how long, and at what intervals? 
  • How will you decide on the winner(s)? 
  • If it’s a product giveaway, who will be the third party to send gifts? 
  • The time of winner announcement
  • And so on. 

7. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the new trend in digital advertising. Many big companies are taking up this trend and it’s been on a rise since 2021. You can simply connect with influencers online and get your products and services promoted through their content. A social media influencer is a person who has a following of thousands and lakhs. He/she/them simply influences his their audience by posting content based on their audience’s interests online.

Therefore, if your products are in a technology-based category; Then you can reach out to tech influencers who usually review products online. All these activities can give your business a great boost online. You are simply paying less and attracting a vast audience by doing so. 

Moreover, for influencer marketing to be successful you need not always have to work with a celebrity or a hero. Simply explore people with an audience similar to your business offerings. Having a few but dedicated audience of influencers of your interest, you can still influence a large audience. Ultimately, quality matters over quality. So, tighten up your laces and do deep research before collaborating with an influencer. 

There are two types of influencer marketing, they are as follows: 

  1. Barter System: In this, you need to send products to the influencers. They study your product and make content out of it and upload it on their channels. 
  2. Paid Marketing: In this, you need to send money on behalf of the influencer’s content on your product/services. Moreover, it may happen you will be asked to send money as well as a product for a video. 

Pro Tip: Make a list of a few influencers in your domain, then compare their pricing and output probability and then make a deal! 

To Conclude

Hope this blog helps you forecast the upcoming latest trends in digital marketing. If you are a business owner, you are free to follow the above-mentioned points. A shift to modern marketing is a new trend in recent years. And it is moreover cheaper and more reliable. In case, you like your business to be seen, heard, and shared by everyone; Get in touch with StarNext Softech. We are a premium software development and online marketing company in Uttarakhand. Further, you are free to connect with our digital marketing experts for more details. Get in touch with us now at or +91 82670 16702.